The Domaine Salvator multi medalist at Mees
There were good reasons for légitimememt Pinatel the family Domaine Salvator at Les Mées to pop the champagne after the rich harvest of medals collected following the olive contest earlier this year. As stated André Pinatel, it is the 2015 harvest was awarded following the contest in 2016.
The General Agricultural Competition (national award) was held at the Agricultural Show of Paris, and of course the Domaine Salvator candidate. The prizes were awarded by name, and the domain got the gold medal AOC Provence (aglandau, Bouteillan). A remarkable price, because this variety thrives on the largest olive-growing areas in the Region, so more competitors. It is a beautiful prestigious victory.
On the presentation of two tanks. one took the gold medal and one silver medal. For Frederic, "the interest of these medals is impor¬tant commercially, they help to sell the product of single and double in volume." Indeed, the national projec¬teur stroke production is a guarantee of quality.
The results of the regional competition that took place in the premises of the region is more recent. This contest only concerns PACA producers. Nevertheless, no less than 160 samples were competing. The jury was composed of profession¬nels and amateurs, éctairés, connais¬seurs product olive oil, which was not always the case in Paris.
The contest's verdict, two gold and as many silver. Pinatel for the family, the result is as unexpected as rewarding for the brand. In detail, this gives a gold medal for an oil AOP Provence Haute¬, another for an AOC Provence olives ripened olives (formerly known black fruit).
In silver medals he was awarded two oil AOP Haute Provence, so in the same category but from different parcel¬les. "I must say that each plot does not automatically make the same flavor or the same returns because like wine, olive oil is closely linked to the land." This second silver regards lot which took the gold medal in Paris. Frederick's comment, "For us, the support of Marseille is a recognition of the product because the jurors were connoisseurs, even if the competition is lessknown "international".
Salvator area covers about 140 hectares in the town of Mées with 40 olive trees. the rest is divided between apples and cereal. A dozen people are working constantly for over 20 seasonal crops. For this family business is the fifth generation in the business, a knowledge passed on by the elders, a cultural heritage that has always respected the tradition and concern for the well done.
These medals enrich "the cabinet of awards" and a complete collection of awards already obtained as will be honoring a family labor, but by extension any territory that failing to own oil, no shortage of ideas.